What is Kite Fishing and Why it is Popular in South Florida?

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Mark Laymon
Staff member
Apr 29, 2020
What is Kite Fishing and Why it is Popular in South Florida?

Kite fishing is a unique and popular method of fishing in South Florida that involves using kites to lift baits into the air and then casting them into the water to attract and catch fish. This method of fishing allows anglers to target fish that are swimming near the surface and can be a highly effective way to catch a variety of species, such as sailfish, tuna, king mackerel, and more.

One of the advantages of kite fishing is the ability to cover a larger area of water. When you cast a kite, it can fly several hundred feet out from the boat, enabling anglers to cover a much larger area than traditional casting methods. This can increase the chances of finding and catching fish.

Another benefit of kite fishing is the ability to use live bait. By suspending the bait high in the water column, it makes it easier to target surface-feeding fish, such as sailfish. The live bait can also be used in conjunction with lures, to make them more attractive to the fish.

Kite fishing requires some specific gear, such as a kite rig, which includes the kite, the line, and the reel. These can be purchased or rented. Anglers should also have an experienced and knowledgeable crew to help set up the kites, manage the lines and the baits, and maneuver the boat in the right way. The rigging must be done correctly to ensure safety, and it is not advisable to attempt it if one does not have the experience.

Kite fishing is also a relatively sustainable method of fishing. Since the baits are suspended high in the water column, it reduces the chances of catching unwanted or protected species, as well as reducing the chance of bycatch.

Kite fishing is popular in South Florida for many reasons, one of them is the variety of fish species that can be targeted using this method, like Sailfish and Tuna. Additionally, South Florida's warm waters and good wind conditions make it an ideal destination for kite fishing.

In conclusion, kite fishing is a unique and exciting method of fishing that is growing in popularity in South Florida. Its ability to cover a larger area, use live bait, and target surface-feeding fish, make it a highly effective way to catch a variety of species. However, it does require specific gear and knowledge to set up and use properly. It is also important to note that it is a sport that requires an experienced crew and proper safety measures. Overall, kite fishing is an exciting and sustainable way to enjoy the sport of fishing in South Florida and can provide anglers with an unforgettable experience.
