What Does It Take to Become A Freediving Instructor? - My Experience with a Zero to Hero Internship

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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company!

We share amazing video of Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, and Shipwrecks.

Documenting our oceans so you may live vicariously through our eyes. Plus we will soon offer private island vacations along with underwater eco-tourism packages!


Mark Laymon
Staff member
Apr 29, 2020

What Does It Take to Become A Freediving Instructor? - My Experience with a Zero to Hero Internship​

Ok, so I finally made it! I'm now certified as an SSI Level 2 Freediving Instructor! While this is an accomplishment that I'm super excited about, I acknowledge that getting my freediving instructor certifications is just the beginning. I wanted to document this experience to provide information to freedivers who are thinking about following this path. When I started, there wasn't much information online to help me make my decision on where to train and learn, and I want to try and make the process easier for others! Thanks for following my journey from the very beginning, and please stay tuned to my channel as I continue on my freediving journey! In the next year, I'll be covering ocean conservation projects, artistic projects, freediving-related travel and training, my explorations into competitive freediving, and resources that may be helpful for you in your freediving journey. Thanks! FREEDIVING AND MERMAID INSTRUCTOR: I ended up becoming an SSI Level 2 Freediving Instructor and Mermaid Instructor! All of my equalization issues that I had to work through gave me a solid foundation to help others work through their equalization issues. I’m now running courses in both Las Vegas, Nevada and near Port Angeles, Washington. For more information or to schedule a course near you, feel free to reach out! www.aquanautsfreediving.com OCEAN-THEMED ATHLEISURE CLOTHING LINE FOR OCEAN ENTHUSIASTS: For those who have been following my vlog or other social media, you’ll know that I’m a very active person and I love to cram as many activities into my day as possible, from rock climbing, to freediving, to trail running, cycling, acro, and more! I’ve created an athleisure line geared towards freedivers, merfolk, and other ocean enthusiasts. The matching rash guards, leggings, and sports bras provide stylish and color coordinated protection against the sun and jellyfish stings, and they’re a reef friendly alternative to chemical sunscreens! I have merchandise for both men and women. Check out my clothing line at www.aquanautsclothing.com and let me know what you think! DIVING EDUCATION FOR OCEAN CONSERVATION: I recently won the title of Miss Mermaid Nevada 2021, and it has been my goal to provide affordable diving education to get people into the ocean and more passionate about ocean conservation. To learn more about this project, please look up We of the Sea on Facebook. Facebook/Instagram: @thesailingsiren Website: www.sailingsiren.com

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Sailing Siren

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