5 Ways to Fail Your PADI Open Water Course
Here are 5 ways you may fail your first dive course, the PADI Open water course! This video is just my thoughts as a scuba diving instructor and do not reflect any PADI dive shop or other instructors. These are just a few tips to keep in mind when you are preparing and things you should avoid doing during your PADI Open Water Course.
Ocean Pancake
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. I am Katt, an ever curious adventurer, scuba diving instructor, physics graduate and world traveler. What started as My Vegan Experiment, vegandiverkatt transformed into Ocean Pancake. A mission that started as a questions whether a diet could really change a lifestyle changing to protecting our seas everyday. This is a place for all ocean warriors, earth lovers and consciously minds to journey towards a sustainable future. Together, we can #stemthetide of plastic, eliminate toxic products, eat plant based and focus on a regenerative future. Welcome ocean lover. This is the channel for you. Check out the Ocean Pancake podcast for additional epic resources. Thank you for being amazing and caring for our beautiful planet. If the oceans die, we die. So let's help them thrive. Happy bubbling, Katt