ROV Hercules Dive NA129 H1879 4 of 12 2021 08 21 01 30 14 248 UTC 15

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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company.
We are dedicated to providing educational videography of coral reefs, artificial reefs, and shipwrecks!
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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company!

We share amazing video of Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, and Shipwrecks.

Documenting our oceans so you may live vicariously through our eyes. Plus we will soon offer private island vacations along with underwater eco-tourism packages!


Mark Laymon
Staff member
Apr 29, 2020

ROV Hercules Dive NA129 H1879 4 of 12 2021 08 21 01 30 14 248 UTC 15​

E/V Nautilus is exploring unknown regions of the ocean seeking out new discoveries in biology, geology, and archaeology. Join us 24/7 for live video from the seafloor and to ask questions of our explorers currently aboard Nautilus: Subscribe to our main EVNautilus YouTube channel for expedition highlights: This playlist includes satellite recordings of all ROV dives conducted during a single expedition cruise, with each dive divided into one-hour segments.

Nautilus Live Dive Recordings

This channel includes satellite recordings of all ROV dives, with each dive divided into one-hour segments and added to a cruise playlist. File names include the following information:
ROV Hercules Dive--Cruise ID--Dive Number--Date[yymmdd]Time[hhmm]UTC--Recording Segment Number. Find cruise ID:

ROV Hercules Dive NA129 H1879 4 of 12 2021 08 21 01 30 14 248 UTC 15.jpg
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