First Super Corals Back Onto the Reef - Coral Gardeners

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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company!

We share amazing video of Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, and Shipwrecks.

Documenting our oceans so you may live vicariously through our eyes. Plus we will soon offer private island vacations along with underwater eco-tourism packages!


Mark Laymon
Staff member
Apr 29, 2020

First Super Corals Back Onto the Reef - Coral Gardeners​

“In these dark times, we need a light coming down and you guys are going to provide that light, that ray of hope.” – Dr. Austin Bowden-Kerby, reef restoration pioneer.

Back in 2019, we started to identify and propagate super corals with the help of Dr. Austin to create a more resilient reef. Almost 2 years later, that hope has been delivered. The micro-fragments from our first super coral nursery have come full circle!

Our team transplanted them onto degraded areas of the reef to bolster their chances of survival so they can cope with what the future holds. From there, the super corals can keep on growing onto the reef and spread on their own.

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Coral Gardeners

Born in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, Coral Gardeners is changing the world one coral at a time. Through coral reef restoration, awareness activities, and innovation we are revolutionizing ocean conservation.

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