Daytime Swordfishing In South Florida | Broadbill Swordfish Catch and Cook

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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company!

We share amazing video of Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, and Shipwrecks.

Documenting our oceans so you may live vicariously through our eyes. Plus we will soon offer private island vacations along with underwater eco-tourism packages!


Mark Laymon
Staff member
Apr 29, 2020

Daytime Swordfishing In South Florida | Broadbill Swordfish Catch and Cook​

* A swordfish is killed, cleaned and eaten in this video * Unforgettable day out, Ivan and I went out Swordfishing for the first time and we got one! Huge Thanks to Ray for taking us out and putting us on our first sword. Still can't believe how good this day went, Thanks for watching. Enjoy! To follow our daily adventures on instagram follow us @EmmanuelW_ @Ivan_rodriguezzz

