underwater video

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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company.
We are dedicated to providing educational videography of coral reefs, artificial reefs, and shipwrecks!
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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company!

We share amazing video of Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, and Shipwrecks.

Documenting our oceans so you may live vicariously through our eyes. Plus we will soon offer private island vacations along with underwater eco-tourism packages!

  1. Mark Laymon (User)

    Is there a special camera that you would choose for underwater video?

    Looking at all the footage from underwater drones. The question I have is what are the specs on some of the higher end ROV's? Do you have experience creating one of these and what are the depths they can go to?
  2. MarkLaymon

    Boynton Beach Inlet - Underwater video of a few fish I saw while recording video for a new project.

    Boynton Beach Inlet - Underwater video of a few fish I saw while recording video for a new project. While recording video in the Boynton Beach Inlet for a new photogrammetry project I stopped and tossed in the GoPro. Near top of High Tide. #BoyntonBeach #BoyntonInlet #BoyntonBeachInlet...
  3. MarkLaymon

    BlueROV Dive on a Capsized Motor Boat - Dana Point, CA

    BlueROV Dive on a Capsized Motor Boat - Dana Point, CA This video shows a dive of the BlueROV on a capsized motor boat in Dana Point, CA. This wreck was previously uncharted and was found with side scan sonar data by Kevin Klemens, Endurance Marine Exploration.
  4. MarkLaymon

    Colorful Critters of All Shapes and Sizes on Unnamed Seamount D | Nautilus Live

    Colorful Critters of All Shapes and Sizes on Unnamed Seamount D | Nautilus Live Some 150 miles west of Kaua’i, the E/V Nautilus team were lucky enough to spot some of the deep sea’s most interesting (and adorable) creatures. Take a peek into our dive along Unnamed Seamount D near the...
  5. MarkLaymon

    Stunning Display of Biodiversity on Un-surveyed Seamount | Nautilus Live

    Stunning Display of Biodiversity on Un-surveyed Seamount | Nautilus Live Take a dive with our Corps of Exploration as we visit Unnamed Seamount B about 150 miles west of Kauaʻi and witness colorful coral and sponge communities complete with brittle stars, hydroids, Foraminifera, and more...
  6. MarkLaymon

    Close to Home: Exploring a German U-Boat Sunk off U.S. Coast (1940-1942) | Nautilus Live

    Close to Home: Exploring a German U-Boat Sunk off U.S. Coast (1940-1942) | Nautilus Live NAUTILUS LIVE 2014 | E/V Nautilus is exploring the ocean studying biology, geology, archeology, and more. Watch http://www.nautiluslive.org for live video from the ocean floor. For live dive updates...
  7. MarkLaymon

    ROV SuBastian Dive 222 Costa Rican Deep Sea Connections

    ROV SuBastian Dive 222 Costa Rican Deep Sea Connections This is the 11th dive of the #CostaRicaDeep expedition taking place at Seamount 7 off the coast of Costa Rica mapped overnight with multibeam. The team will be taking ROV SuBastian to a depth of 1500m for an exploratory dive. Our goal is...
  8. MarkLaymon

    Nekton ROV Live

  9. MarkLaymon

    ROV SUPPORT for the NEKTON Mission: First Descent Seychelles (March-April 2019) #seychelles #NEKTON

    ROV SUPPORT for the NEKTON Mission: First Descent Seychelles (March-April 2019) #seychelles #NEKTON ROV SUPPORT for the NEKTON Mission: First Descent Seychelles (March - April 2019) - Oliver Steeds #seychelles #NEKTON #First_Descent #OliverSteeds #ROV_Support #ROV #Underwater #Exploration...
  10. MarkLaymon

    Ancient Beaked Whale Skull Found in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument | Nautilus Live

    Ancient Beaked Whale Skull Found in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument | Nautilus Live The team was surprised to come face-to-face with an ancient beaked whale skull while diving on the never-before-surveyed Don Quixote Seamount in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Spotted...
  11. MarkLaymon

    Shy Octopus Hides Inside Its Own Tentacles | Nautilus Live

    Shy Octopus Hides Inside Its Own Tentacles | Nautilus Live While diving off the central California coast, the team of E/V Nautilus encountered this Flapjack Octopus (named for its ear flaps) lingering on the sea floor. E/V Nautilus is exploring the ocean studying biology, geology, archeology...
  12. MarkLaymon

    ROV Hercules Dive NA129 H1879 4 of 12 2021 08 21 01 30 14 248 UTC 15

    ROV Hercules Dive NA129 H1879 4 of 12 2021 08 21 01 30 14 248 UTC 15 E/V Nautilus is exploring unknown regions of the ocean seeking out new discoveries in biology, geology, and archaeology. Join us 24/7 for live video from the seafloor and to ask questions of our explorers currently aboard...
  13. MarkLaymon

    New Deep-Sea Robot Will Help Us Explore Oceans Throughout the Solar System

    New Deep-Sea Robot Will Help Us Explore Oceans Throughout the Solar System Named for the Ancient Greek god of the Underworld, the Hadal Zone is the pitch-black part of our oceans below 6,000 meters. Now, imagine a fleet of robots able to roam freely in the parts of the ocean that have been...
  14. MarkLaymon

    2020 Nautilus Expedition Highlights | Nautilus Live

    2020 Nautilus Expedition Highlights | Nautilus Live Over four months, the 2020 Nautilus Expedition took our team and partners from British Columbia to Southern California for hundreds of hours of deep-sea ROV dives and thousands of kilometers of seafloor mapping. Returning to octopus nurseries...
  15. Mark Laymon (User)

    Oh, we need to post some videos!

    I thought we had some up. Let's share some form the Inlet run.