
Welcome to our Coral Heads Community Forum and Chat
Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company.
We are dedicated to providing educational videography of coral reefs, artificial reefs, and shipwrecks!
Wanting to explore with the rest of our members? Feel free to become a member today.
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Coral Heads is an Island Lifestyle Company!

We share amazing video of Coral Reefs, Artificial Reefs, and Shipwrecks.

Documenting our oceans so you may live vicariously through our eyes. Plus we will soon offer private island vacations along with underwater eco-tourism packages!

  1. L4 Expedition by Live Watersports - The Ultimate Fishing Paddle Board.jpg

    L4 Expedition by Live Watersports - The Ultimate Fishing Paddle Board.jpg

    L4 Expedition by Live Watersports - The Ultimate Fishing Paddle Board At Lyman Kayak Park in Lantana, Florida
  2. The L4Expedition loaded up with lights on.

    The L4Expedition loaded up with lights on.

    Getting ready to play with some snook under the docks at night. Who likes to fish in the dark, under a full moon?
  3. Lime Green L4Expedition by Live Watersports Build Thread

    Lime Green L4Expedition by Live Watersports Build Thread

    Customizing a L4Expedition by Live Watersports for inshore and offshore fishing and diving. https://coralheads.com/l4expedition-live-watersports/