Coral Heads Community Forum Rules
*No Spam / Advertising / Self-promote in the forums.
*Do not post copyright-infringing material.
*Do not post “offensive” posts, links or images.
*Do not cross post questions.
*Do not PM users asking for help.
*Remain respectful of other members at all times.
*One account per household. If you are found to have more than one account, both accounts will be suspended.
*Vulgar, offensive, or otherwise obscene names will be changed. Repeated violations will result in account suspension.
*Avatars / profile photos of pornographic or sexual nature will be removed. Repeated violations will result in account suspension.
*Promoting a company through forum posts or threads is against our policy. We are developing a sponsorship and partnership programs for companies that have products that meet our guidelines.
*Before posting any sort of Help request, including forum topics and FAQ, please use the search function to prevent repeat questions and provide you with the most timely response.
*Use descriptive topic titles.
*Racism or sexism of any type is prohibited and will be punished accordingly.
*If you are criticizing or providing feedback of a more negative nature, please back up all of your points. Don't simply reply with, I hate it, back yourself up with the specific reasons why and what could be done to improve it. This will get you much further and members are much more receptive to this type of constructive feedback.
*Flaming or raging of any sort is not allowed and will be punished based on severity and at the discretion of the Management Team.
*Speaking of controversial subjects: You are allowed to post these sort of things in the General and Off-Topic sections of the forum. However, it is not recommended as you may lose your respect in the community if you have a different opinion on it. These topics tend to cause wars and are generally a pain, so they should be avoided.
*You may only bump your topic once every two (2) days.
*Do not bump topics older than 4 weeks. The exception to this rule is: Support topics. Occasionally a question may go unanswered and it is appropriate to bump it according to the above rule.
*If a topic is locked by a Staff member, leave it; do not create a duplicate topic.
Back-seat moderation is not allowed. Simply report the post and move on, our Staff team is perfectly capable of handling it; it's why we're here!
*You may advertise your website in your signature, but it cannot contain pornography or other lewd materials. If you become inactive at Coral Heads Community Forum, your signature may be removed. If you are banned at Coral Heads Community Forum, your signature will be removed. We will also remove signatures that are not in the spirit of our community guidelines (and you may have action taken against you for that). One site link per signature please.
*Pictures are permitted within signatures but keep in mind that large images, or images that cause forum lag will be removed. We don't want your signature to hinder the browsing experience of others. Obviously, pictures must comply with our community guidelines. Please refrain from using excessive multi-colored text, flash graphics, or otherwise obnoxious graphics in your signatures. These are annoying and distracting. In addition, please refrain from using excessive special characters and emoticons in your signatures. Again, these are very distracting. Finally, do not increase the text size to make your forum signature "stand out". The standard text size is absolutely fine. Let's keep the text in signatures somewhat uniform, as crazy varieties just make the forum look sloppy and distracting. Recommended image size is 200px or less.
Have a good time, act maturely, be friendly, make friends, and discover! That's what this community is all about. Please avoid drama, we dislike it too when things go wrong, but there's a report button. Do not "call out" other users - just report their post!
- Published
- Jan 23, 2022
- Page views
- 264